your secret sauce.
Contrary to contemporary hype a "magic phrase" is not enough to stake out your position. You need purpose and creative conviction to rally your studio, your marketing and win clients on your own terms.
This course covers: Purpose Building, Goal Setting, Market Analysis, Client Personas, Communication Framework, Sales Strategy, and Hot Sauce.
— !!! WARNING !!! —
This course does not contain business jargon, promises of 7-figure outcomes or impractical communication strategies.
Matt knows the barriers that studio owners build in front of their own success. Starting as a creative himself he has owned 2 creative studios - the second of which he sold and moved into the world of Big 4 Consulting. After learning their dark arts, Matt returned to the industry he loves, certain that creatives are, in fact, the best salespeople when they believe in what they are selling.
This course results from Matt working closely with studio owners and senior creatives across the globe and now RevThink brings you ReKindle.
Is Your Studio Ready?
You got into this business through a love of your craft, but along the way you accidentally became an entrepreneur. You know you need a sales & market approach, but don’t know where to start. You need to discover your studio’s award-winning flavor and find practical, authentic ways to tell the world.
If this sounds like you, let’s talk.
Schedule your free 30 min call to see if ReKindle is right for you.
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